Friday, August 29, 2008

and Adelyn makes 3

So this is our little Adelyn. She is now 5 months old and we are totally in love with her. She is smiling and laughing and cooing and rolling. All the fun stuff babies do and we are just eating it up. I always looked at those parents who made those silly faces and annoying noises just to make there baby smile and thought they were so here we are and proud to be one of those crazy parents!

1 comment:

Matt and Jenny Mitchell said...

Yey!!!! I am so glad to see you have a blog! I miss you guys so much! It is so great to hear from you! Adelyn is sooooo big and sooooo adorable! I hope you are loving virginia still, we miss you bunches! I wish we could plan a time to all get together in the future!! love you guys lots!